Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Ghost Alien Model

 Used the edge smooth paint tool to morph the shape of the head to resemble my alien.
 Influence was for him to have once been a rogue delinquent, with his wild, wave like hair style. But became more down to earth once visiting another planet, its atmosphere being very euphoric and soothing. He adopted the ways of the planet, which made him less juvenile. I incorporated triangle markings symbolising the Illuminati to hint that his personality shift is strange and adding a purpose to why this personality change was not an accident may not be an accident. He is a made up of glowing, particles to create his translucent, ghost like appearance. Having the powers to travel though solids gives him the advantage to cause as much mischief as he likes and difficult to get caught. He also wears turtle like armour to symbolise that he can deal with hardship easily as it bounces right off him (not literally). His face paint is worn to represent his new approach to life.

 Experimentation trying to create the dark glow effect.

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